It was just an ordinary desire of a few lay missionaries who were of different apostates to gather around and refuel, to unload and to reload. They were friends and had known each other for a long. This gathering becomes regular and went on for a long time. At times they would go for a retreat, just among themselves, just keeping track of their missionary spirit and pondering the Will of God in their lives.
Lay mission is a call to discipleship, to go to the least, and make God loved known. It is witnessing of our christian faith, faith that is so alive and vivid in our daily contact with the world. It is a dialogue of life. Somehow, this has become the springboard of all missionary undertakings.
The Lay Women Missionaries have always been inspired by this discipleship, by the simplicity of life that each of one tries to live and allowing God to do marvels in everyday.
What more is so fulfilling than offering our lives in the service of God? Than being tired because we made extraordinary simple things and at the end of the day, we have found reason to rest, relax, and pray.
"A waterfall has its sources and flowing into different directions where it can freely be useful."
This the parable of the life of the Lay Women Missionaries (LWM). They experience of the Love of God who is the source of all the blessings they received . They experience being called to live an abundant life with Him and being sent to the different directions to share this abundant life with others.
The seed of the family sown by God in the inner being of the LWM, sprouted and grew in a way that " bear fruit"( Jn.15:2 ) a fruit that will last forever. This is the rationale of the individual life of the LWM. As a group, the are aiming that their lives will bloom and give fragrance like flowers of different designs and colors for the glory of God. They become one in heart and mind as they are led by the Holy Spirit to form a special family, the LWM.
This family is composed of friends whose lives are offered to mission apostolate as they keep on sharing their faith experience in their unique role in the apostolate.
In the year 1984, 2 friends, Lucia Cejas and Restituta Dangay made a retreat. After their retreat they plan to have a "hut" where they could gather to pray , reflect , share and relax.
In 1985, once again, Restitutat and Lucia made a retreat at the Presentation of May Regional House. This time, another friend, Narciza Ambong, joinded with them with Fr. Pierre Fisette as the retreat master. They continued sharing their dream to have a small " hut " as ameeting place. This time , they shared their dream to Fr. Patrice Picard, pme, a friend and the Vicar General of the Diocese of Digos. He had a plan of building an on-going formation center for the catechists. Their dream and his plan could be integrated. The 3 fiends with Fr. Picard, had a sharing with the bishop of Digos, Bishop Generoso CamiƱa, pme. There was hope!
In 1987, it became clear that the two projects, on-going formation center and the little " hut " could not be integrated. So, Fr. Patrice Picard, with 4 friends were able to rent a house. They made it center for prayer, sharing, study and rest. The care taker was Restituta Dangoy.
Lay mission is a call to discipleship, to go to the least, and make God loved known. It is witnessing of our christian faith, faith that is so alive and vivid in our daily contact with the world. It is a dialogue of life. Somehow, this has become the springboard of all missionary undertakings.
The Lay Women Missionaries have always been inspired by this discipleship, by the simplicity of life that each of one tries to live and allowing God to do marvels in everyday.
What more is so fulfilling than offering our lives in the service of God? Than being tired because we made extraordinary simple things and at the end of the day, we have found reason to rest, relax, and pray.
"A waterfall has its sources and flowing into different directions where it can freely be useful."
This the parable of the life of the Lay Women Missionaries (LWM). They experience of the Love of God who is the source of all the blessings they received . They experience being called to live an abundant life with Him and being sent to the different directions to share this abundant life with others.
The seed of the family sown by God in the inner being of the LWM, sprouted and grew in a way that " bear fruit"( Jn.15:2 ) a fruit that will last forever. This is the rationale of the individual life of the LWM. As a group, the are aiming that their lives will bloom and give fragrance like flowers of different designs and colors for the glory of God. They become one in heart and mind as they are led by the Holy Spirit to form a special family, the LWM.
This family is composed of friends whose lives are offered to mission apostolate as they keep on sharing their faith experience in their unique role in the apostolate.
In the year 1984, 2 friends, Lucia Cejas and Restituta Dangay made a retreat. After their retreat they plan to have a "hut" where they could gather to pray , reflect , share and relax.
In 1985, once again, Restitutat and Lucia made a retreat at the Presentation of May Regional House. This time, another friend, Narciza Ambong, joinded with them with Fr. Pierre Fisette as the retreat master. They continued sharing their dream to have a small " hut " as ameeting place. This time , they shared their dream to Fr. Patrice Picard, pme, a friend and the Vicar General of the Diocese of Digos. He had a plan of building an on-going formation center for the catechists. Their dream and his plan could be integrated. The 3 fiends with Fr. Picard, had a sharing with the bishop of Digos, Bishop Generoso CamiƱa, pme. There was hope!
In 1987, it became clear that the two projects, on-going formation center and the little " hut " could not be integrated. So, Fr. Patrice Picard, with 4 friends were able to rent a house. They made it center for prayer, sharing, study and rest. The care taker was Restituta Dangoy.
In 1989, this group of friends made again their annual retreat at the Cursillo House, Davao City. Fr. Sanny Villahermosa was their retreat master. Towards the end of their 4 days of reflections, they envisioned a " special life" that they wanted to live. They shared this vision with Fr. Patrice Picard, pme. He encouraged them but said said go slowly. A parcel of land was bought and was donated to the Diocese of Digos with a canonical agreement that it will be for exclusive use of the LWM for as long as the group exists.
In 1990, plans were made to build a house. With the help of benefactors, PME society and some PME Fathers, a center was built in 1991. The group continued to desire to live a new form of family and apostolic life in the Church with missionary flavor. Fr. Picard shared with them a vision of growth in the three possible stages which could last for 9 - 15 years before some sort of permanent structures could be adopted.
Then, on October15,1992, the group offered itself to the Lord for the service of the mission for one year. This was done with the blessings of the Bishop of Digos but without juridical personality. The group decided to make this "offering" yearly during the month of October, month of the mission.
The group composed of ly women of different origin what have received a special call from God;
a) to live a life of simplicity as a family for the gospel.
b) to dedicate themselves to work in partnership with the ordained ministers and the religious in the
missionary activity of the church here and abroad.
Then, on October15,1992, the group offered itself to the Lord for the service of the mission for one year. This was done with the blessings of the Bishop of Digos but without juridical personality. The group decided to make this "offering" yearly during the month of October, month of the mission.
The group composed of ly women of different origin what have received a special call from God;
a) to live a life of simplicity as a family for the gospel.
b) to dedicate themselves to work in partnership with the ordained ministers and the religious in the
missionary activity of the church here and abroad.
In the particular church, they have different activities according to their talents, preparation,needs; but they are united in working for the special apostolate for the mission.
Each member of the family grows in the place where she is planted. She is free to become witness of her faith and love to those whom she is sent.
Each one is a BLESSING to the other, meaning that each one helps the members of the family to live a life of simplicity as a child of God.
Each one is a GIFT to everyone in a way that the uniqueness of each member is respected.
Each one is a LINK in the chain of love. The family is united by faith, prayer,reflection and sharing. The members believe in one another and support the other while respecting her freedom. There a sense of unity in the midst of diversity of apostolate, talents and gifts.
Each one is a PARTNER to the other in way that each one in the family is equal in rights and dignity and responsible to care, nourish and the growth of the life of the other. The core group will be the one to guide the journey of the family. They will ask the spiritual guidance of a spiritual advisor of their choice.
Each one is mirror to the other in away that each member lives the values of the family; the simplicity of the child; the maturity of the wise person and life of the service of a baptized and a missionary.
SIMPLICITY : Like a child, able to see the marvels and beauty of Creation in the simplest way, able to see the beauty of life by looking at the different events of live with the eyes of faith.
MATURITY: Like the wise person, understanding the meaning of live and trusting the Holy Spirit working in the midst of difficulties and failures.
SERVICE: Like the disciples of Christ, she wants to be gentle but firm, to serve and not to be serve; to lead and to listen to the people they are living and serving.
The LWM Family is grateful to the Foreign Mission Society of Quebec (PME )that journey with the group all through the years since its formation. The society has given a lot of support spiritually, financially and morally, thus become a great pillar of the LWM.
The LWM also is grateful to Fr. Patrice Picard, the group's spiritual advisor, for journeying with the group through ups and downs, joys and hopes. Special thanks also to our local benefactors and friends headed by Bishop Guillermo Afable, bishop of the Diocese of Digos. Finally to God Almighty, the author of life, for without His blessing we are not here today as LWM Family.
St. Therese 0f the Child of Jesus
San Lorenzo Ruiz
Davao City : Holy Cross of Davao College - Campus Ministry
Digos City : Campus Ministry of the Diocese of Digos
Malita, Davao del Sur : Parish Work
Little Baguio: Malita - Tribal Filipinos ( working with the Indigenous people )
Alabel Valley: Saragani Province: Tribal schools and Community organizing, and Public school
Cambodia: Health Program
Thailand: Education and migrants apostolate
LWM express their missionary work to the very place where they are. Respecting each charisma and talents for the kingdom God.
Contact address:
Lay Women Missionaries
San Isidro Parish, Digos Dvao del Sur
Lay Women Missionaries
c/o PME Fathers
Sta. Ana Ave., Davao City